Michael De La Cruz, a seventh-year senior at California State University-Northridge, is taking off this spring semester because he could only get one of the classes he needs for his marketing degree.
一位加州大学北岭分校的17年级生,Michael De La Cruz决定春季学期离开学校去找工作,因为他只能拿到获得市场学位所必须的9门课程中的一门。
Maybe not, says Expedia's marketing director for Europe, timothee DE Roux, who says the poll's focus on hotel operators may explain the counterintuitive outcome.
Expedia ' s欧洲营销指导timothee de Roux说,或许不是,他认为调查对酒店经营者的关注或许可以解释这个违反直觉的结果。
Many vendors used their newly acquired capability as a marketing advantage to push their enterprise management systems, or EMSs (notice the de-emphasis of the word "network").