释义 |
欺骗, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?使欺骗成 ... delude oneself 自欺欺人 delude to 使欺骗成 illusion 指错觉、幻觉,通常指通过人的眼睛、思想,把虚构当真实,把假象当真象。 ...
- 1
It was clear after the incident that, while she may have answered truthfully in the strictest sense of the word, Sheryl was actually trying to delude Sergei. 事件发生后,虽然从严格意义上讲,谢莉尔可能是如实回答,但实际上她是想欺骗塞奇。 - 2
The danger, if there is one, is that the easy, on-demand access to reams of information from the Internet may delude us into mistaking the data we download for genuine wisdom worth acting upon. 如果说有危险的话,那也是这些我们从网络上轻松获取的信息可能会误导我们认为我们所下载那些数据是值得遵循的真正智慧。 - 3
Catherine, we would fain have deluded yet: but her own quick spirit refused to delude her: it divined in secret, and brooded on the dreadful probability, gradually ripening into certainty. 我们还想瞒住凯瑟琳;但她的机灵可是骗不过她自己;她暗自揣度着,深思着那可怕的可能性,而那可能性已渐渐地成熟为必然性了。