出于缓和这些矛盾的目的,雷曼兄弟和高盛的合伙人在20世纪20年代保持了一种每天中午都在戴尔莫尼科餐馆(Delmonico s)共进午餐的习惯,这是华尔街上一家奢华的专供德国高档菜的餐厅。
... 名字: Delmonico 姓: Frank 标签: Frank Delmonico ...
莫妮科 ; 德孟尼科
Bruce DelMonico, the school's admissions director, said the proportion has likely increased since then.
WSJ: More Business Schools Accept GRE
He persuaded Wolfgang Puck to open Postrio, then got Emeril Lagasse to open Delmonico.
FORBES: The Opportunist
Results of the online self-assessment won't affect admission decisions, says Bruce DelMonico, assistant dean and director of M.
WSJ: Business Schools Know How You Think,