始于1924年的瑞士DELMA(帝尔玛)腕表,坐落于瑞士著名钟表产地小镇Lengnau(朗瑙),秉承着Excellence of Time(时间艺术的完美性)的独特设计理念和传统制表工艺...
... 名字: Pustejovsky 姓: Delma 标签: Delma Pustejovsky ...
代尔马山海景酒店 ; 帝尔玛山景酒店
Rico Pierre is an election worker in charge of the voting booth in lower Delma.
NPR: Haitians Flock to Vote in National Elections
During her next vacations, she outsourced Luna to her tribe -- Monica from Chile, Delma from El Salvador, Jaime from Guatemala.
CNN: A Latina mom's baby-sitting lament
Lionel Victor says he left his home in Cite Soleil at four AM to walk the two miles to his designated polling station in Delma.