释义 |
1 ?生气 Be In A Passion(生气), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
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As you grow closer to him, he will give you a passion for something he CARES about deeply so you can be a spokesman for him in the world. 当你和他的关系愈亲密时,他会将他所深切关注之事的热情赐给你,使你成为他在世上的代言人。 - 2
I am not saying that you can't relax, but I'm saying that before you choose a life goal or a 'passion', be sure it's something that you, in your heart, really enjoy and love doing. 我不是说不能休息,只是说在你找到一个生活目标或者是一个“热情”之前,必须确定它是你内心真正想要的,享受的,热爱的! - 3
Much of the marble coldness of Hester's impression was to be attributed to the circumstance, that her life had turned, in a great measure, from passion and feeling, to thought. 海丝特给人的那种如大理石般冰冷的印象,大部要归咎于这一事实:她的生活,在很大程度上已经从情和欲变成了思想。