释义 |
1 ?标的物 ... 故意Deliberate intention 标的物Delivery of the object 定金Deposits ... 2 ?标的物的交付 标的物的交付 delivery of the object 提取标的物的单证 the document for taking possession of the object ..
- 1
To tune performance when using concurrent message delivery, we must turn our attention to a number of object pools managed by the application server. 为了在使用并发消息传递时优化性能,我们必须将注意力转向应用程序服务器托管的许多对象池。 - 2
In logistics system, the term customer means the object of delivery, or simply speaking, persons or units that receive the goods. 在物流系统中,“客户”一词是指递送服务的对象,简单来说就是接受货物的个人或单位。 - 3
If, based on the reservation of title, Mentor takes back the delivery object, the contract will only be deemed to have been repudiated if Mentor makes an explicit declaration in this regard. 如果在保留产品所有权的基础上,门拓将所运物品取回,合同只有在门拓清楚申明的情况下才会被认为是否决。