释义 |
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语言学 联结主义 Still further, the action of connectionism, which has revolutionized psycholinguistics, makes the semantics network be spreading activated. 更重要的是,联结主义理论使得这个语义网络变得更加生动而具有实用性。 连通主义 Serial processing has modularity as its cornerstone, while parallel processing has connectionism as its theoretical foundation. 串行理论以模块论为基石,而并行理论以连通主义为基础。
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心理学 联结主义 Compared with the theory of symbol processing, connectionism is more appropriate in explaining the nature of cognition. 较之符号加工理论,联结主义对认知过程本质的揭示更符合人认知的真实情况。 联系论(关于记忆力的理论)
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