释义 |
- 连接到:指两个或多个设备、系统或网络之间建立起的物理或逻辑连接。
- 与……有关:指与某人或某事有关联或联系。
1 ?连接到 ...(管理员浏览)顺序,然后在Remote Administrator主窗口中单击ConnectionConnected to菜单命令,然后在出现的Connected to(连接到)对话框中进行设致 2 ?连接至 Forces of evil ? 邪恶势力的 CONNECTED TO ? 连接至 Climbing out was harder than going in,but after a good deal of pushing,we went out at last-----covered with mud but plea... 3 ?连接 ... Waiting for tickets ? 等待门票 CONNECTED TO ? 连接 To learn more and install this update, ? 了解更多,并安装此更新 ...
- 1
It can be connected to a PC for the transfer of information. - 2
With a few keystrokes, Rebecca was connected to her computer at Liberty Air Service. 按了几个键后,丽贝卡连接上了她在自由航空公司的电脑。 - 3
Certainly, they were connected to their land, the way one is complicatedly connected to, or encumbered by. 当然,他们是与自己的土地相连的,就像人们被其复杂地联系在一起或受其阻碍一样。