释义 |
1 ?罚金 ... 没收财产 forfeiture of property 罚金 criminal fine 剥夺勋章、奖章和荣誉称号 stripping of medals, decoration or honorary titles ... 2
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It's different from mental damages, criminal fine and administrative punishment. Ithas functions of compensation, encouragement, intimidation and punishment. 它不同于精神赔偿、刑事罚金和行政处罚,具有补偿、激励、威慑、制裁等多种功能。 - 2
As penalty goes towards being commuted and reprieved within the global scope, the fine penalty is being paid more attention, and people deepen the study on criminal fines. 随着全球范围内的刑罚轻缓化发展,罚金刑越来越受到人们的重视,对罚金刑的理论研究逐渐深入。 - 3
The Koch Petroleum Group eventually pleaded guilty to one criminal charge of covering up environmental violations, including the falsification of documents, and paid a twenty-million-dollar fine. 科赫石油集团最终对其隐瞒包括篡改文案在内的环保违规行为的刑事指控表示服罪,并支付了两千万美元的罚款。