释义 |
1 ?双流结构 ... 双流程凝汽器 double-flow condenser 双流结构 double-flow design 双流式汽轮机,双排汽汽轮机 double-flow turbine ...
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In the sections about mixer, first, two realizing methods of mixer, its major performance parameters, the design and optimization flow of the double balanced mixer were explained briefly. 在混频器部分,首先概要叙述混频器的两种实现方法、主要的性能指标以及双平衡混频器的设计、优化流程。 - 2
To enable a uniform flow, a symmetrical layout, or double stamping, is often adopted in the drawing die design, which forms symmetrical parts together. 为了实现匀流,在拉延设计中,通常要采取对称化处理,即成双冲压,就是将对称件合在一起拉延。 - 3
The relation between different design structure of single and double low-pressure heaters with flow resistance of the condenser throat and flowing stage in the throat was discussed. 讨论了内置单、双低加不同设计结构与凝汽器喉部汽阻以及喉部流动状态的关系。