释义 |
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Their godowns at Batavia were packed with unexportable goods. - 2
In modern times, in Manila, Bangkok, Batavia, etc, are Chinese defense for the base of Chinatown. 在近代时期,在马尼拉、曼谷、巴达·维亚等地华侨自卫时,都是以唐人街为根据地的。 - 3
Meanwhile, Fermilab's Tevatron in Batavia, Illinois, is pushing for an extension beyond its September 2011 shutdown, and still hopes to hit the Higgs jackpot. 于此同时,伊利诺斯州巴拉·维亚的费米研究室最近正在努力的做取2011年9月关门前的研究,他们仍希望取得发现Higgs的大奖。
1From Latin Batavia, from Proto-Germanic *Batawjō. FROM: wiktionary 2来自拉丁语Batavia, 来自原始日耳曼语*Batawjō. |