1925年12月3日 纽约交响乐团,乔治·格什温钢琴,瓦尔特·达姆罗施(Damrosch)指挥 《一个美国人在巴黎》An American in Paris——乔治·格什温
托斯卡尼尼( Toscanini)、 布鲁诺( Bruno)、 沃尔特( Walter)、 曼柏格( Mengelberg)、丹姆罗施( Damrosch)、 克林派尔( klem- perer)、 安瑟米特( Ansermet)、 蒙太克斯( Monteux)、 卡素尔( Cacals)、爱瑞恩·波特( AdrianBoul...
达姆罗施 ; 丹罗绪 ; 丹路殊
Residents near Damrosch Park, a 2.4-acre wedge in the shadow of Lincoln Center, say they want their park back.
WSJ: Fashion Week in Damrosch Park? Not Again, Advocates Say
Members of the Damrosch family, a musical family for which the 44-year-old park was named, say they share that view.
Dinner was served afterward, for those wealthy enough to pay or famous enough not to have to, in tents pitched over Damrosch Park.
NEWYORKER: Man Behind the Curtain