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巴士底狱, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Unlike London’s Bond Street or New York’s Fifth Avenue, the Champs-Elysées is where soldiers march, tanks roll and planes fly past in the annual Bastille Day parade every July 14th. 与伦敦邦德街、曼哈顿第五大道不同,每逢7月14日法国国庆日这天,这条大道都会被国庆士兵的行军声、坦克的履带声、以及飞机的轰鸣声所淹没。 - 2
The procession proceeded, with feverish slowness, from the house of the deceased, by way of the boulevards as far as the Bastille. 送葬行列从死者的府邸,以激动而沉重的步伐,经过几条大路,慢慢走到了巴士底广场。 - 3
In France, the Bastille and the Paris Commune are not forgotten, but it is the Pompidou Centre and I.M. Pei's Louvre Pyramid that leave deeper marks in the visitor's mind. 在法国,巴士底狱和巴黎公社都是不能被遗忘的地方,但是蓬皮社中心和贝聿铭的卢浮宫金字塔给游客留下了更深的印象。