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1 ?别力 DP(即鉴别力,discrimination power)是指一对引物 所能区别的最大品种数目 [10] 。 2 ?识别率 根据 Fisher的公式‘1伽:DPi=1一∑P;,计算单位点个体识别率(discrimination power,DP),n表示某位点的 i=l 基因型数,只表示该位点第i个基l天】型的频率;根据公式:CDP=1-I-I... 3 ?个体识别力 ...中国医师协会期刊-医学外文文献 ent,PIC)均大于0.6378,杂合度(heterozygosity,H) 均大于0.6500,个体识别力(discrimination power,DP)均大于0.8216,非父排除率(probabilities of paternity exclusi.. 4 ?鉴别力 DP(即鉴别力,discrimination power)是指一对引物 所能区别的最大品种数目 [10] 。
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Now wI have grade, hard to avoid in study or work, intentionally or not hear some discrimination, but it does not matter, have to do is put it into her forward power. 现在我已经初三了,难免在学习上或工作上会有意无意听到一些歧视的话,但这不要紧,把它化作自己前进的力量就行了。 。 - 2
A new method, based on the analysis of frequency spectrum of instantaneous power, for the discrimination between internal fault currents and inrush currents in transformer is proposed. 在分析瞬时功率频谱特性的基础上,提出了一种基于瞬时功率的变压器励磁涌流和内部故障电流识别新方法。 - 3
Using data fusion technique to realize fault discrimination of transmission lines, this work tried to find a new approach of adaptive relay protection and intelligent fault diagnosis on power system. 本文探索性地应用多传感器数据融合技术解决输电线网的故障类型识别问题,力求寻找一条自适应继电保护和智能故障诊断的新途径。