释义 |
1 [数]?同余关系 同余关系(congruence relation) 设(X,*,E)是代数系统, *是X上的二元运算,E是X上 的等价关系。
- 1
By means of central kernel, we give the smallest and largest congruence relation about middle idea. - 2
In a BCI-algebra, a congruence relation is defined by using its intrinsic ideal, thus the intrinsic quotient algebra of the BCI -algebra is obtained. 利用BCI -代数的固有理想这一概念,在BCI -代数中定义了一个同余关系,从而得到这个BCI -代数的固有商代数。 - 3
This paper introduces the concept of semirings, homomorphism of semirings and congruence simple semirings, discusses the relation between two semirings. 本文在引入半环概念的基础上,介绍半环同态、同余关系、单同余半环等概念,讨论两个同态半环之间单同余性质的关系。