释义 |
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- 1. 拥挤,堵塞:交通、人群或物体过多导致的不畅通现象。
- 2. 充血:身体组织或器官内血液过多,导致血流不畅。
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计算机科学技术 拥塞 Congestion control is necessary to keep the stability of the Internet. 为了保证互联网的稳定运行,必须执行拥塞控制。 阻塞 This model has been able to solve the information exchange is informative and easy to congestion. 此模型基本上能解决信息交换中信息量大且容易阻塞的问题。 拥挤
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 拥塞 We propose a model-based congestion control scheme named MBCC. ③对基于模型的拥塞控制方法进行了研究和改进。 阻塞 A method of allocating congestion cost to bilatarel transactions in day-ahead market is proposed. 提出了日前市场中双边交易的阻塞成本分配方法。 拥阻 Experimental results show that this algorithm can effectively reduce the total wire length and routing congestion with fast runtime. 实验结果显示出这种算法能有效地降低总线长和拥阻密度,并且具有很好的运行时间效率。 拥挤
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交通运输工程 拥挤 Then, paper redefines the traffic congestion level, and defines a dimensionless parameter to quantify the traffic congestion level. 重新定义了交通拥挤,并以此来定义一个无量纲量来量化交通拥挤度,建立模型。 堵塞 Studies on road congestion’s propagation and dissipation. Based on the emergency incidents, the traffic accidents become more than usual. 意外事件所致堵塞的传播与消散研究。
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医药科学 充血 淤血 The result of pathomorphology indicated that neurodegeneration and necrosis in the brain,the liver congestion and cell degeneration. The other organs had not distinct changes.3. 2.镜下病理检查结果显示,脑组织有神经元变性,肝组织有淤血和细胞变性,余脏器病变不明显。
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The basic method to solve congestions in the city is to select the correct option city traffic pattern. 解决城市交通拥堵的根本问题是正确选择城市交通模式。 - 2
Two optimal mathematical models for optimal allocation of transmission congestions and losses are presented in this paper. 提出了在竞争的电力市场下输电网络传输阻塞和网损分摊的两个最优数学模型。 - 3
Switch off the engine when stopping for lengthy period, e. g. at traffic lights, railroad crossings or in traffic congestions. 在长时间停车时关闭引擎,比如等待信号灯时,在铁路平交道口时,或者交通阻塞时。