释义 |
1 ?先天性肺炎 ... Pneumonia 肺炎 Congenital pneumonia 先天性肺炎 Neonatal Candida infection (thrush in newborn) 新生儿念珠菌感染 (新生儿鹅口疮) ...
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The former 5 death reasons were birth asphyxia, respiratory distress syndrome, congenital pneumonia, neonatal aspiration syndrome and congenital malformation of heart. 造成婴儿死亡的前5位病因主要是出生窒息、窘迫、先天性肺炎、新生儿吸入性肺炎以及先天性心脏畸形; - 2
The floating population newborn rank order of cause of death are birth asphyxia, premature delivery and low birth weight, newborn tetanus, congenital abnormal and pneumonia. 流动人口新生儿死因顺位为:出生窒息、早产和低出生体重、新生儿破伤风、先天异常及肺炎。 - 3
The chief causes of newborn death were inspiration of amniotic fluid and amniotic pneumonia, congenital malformation, and other diseases of the respiratory system. 新生儿主要死因为羊水吸入,羊水吸入性肺炎、支气管肺炎、先天性畸形、呼吸系统其它疾病及颅内出血等。