... 离散型问题 variable problem 离散型概率分布discrete probability distribution 离散型仓库管理 DWM ...
文章详细信息 关键词: 截尾试验;;离散概率分布;;不完整数据;;分组数据 [gap=360]Keywords: censored experiment;discrete probability distributions;uncompleted data;censored data
...l distribution) 4 预备知识 z 离散随机变量 (Discrete random variable) 与离 散概率分布 (Discrete probability distribution) 的 概念 z ..
Introduced is this paper are the probability differential method and the unify way of calculating the probabilitydistribution of the continuous type and that of the discrete type.
The paper discusses the ruin probability of discrete risk mode and works out the expressing pattern easier for calculating ruin probability with the claim amount distribution function known.
The trinomial distribution risk model in discrete setting is explored . The probability of ultimate ruin and the probability laws of the surplus immediately before ruin are discussed with emphasis.