释义 |
- 债权人地位:指在债务关系中,有权要求债务人履行还款义务的一方的地位。
1 ?债权头寸 ... trade creditor 购货债权人,商业往来... creditor position 债权头寸 general creditor 普通债权人 ... 2 ?加上债权头寸 ...ion) 该国在国际货币基金组织的储备档头寸 (reserve tranche position) 加上债权头寸(creditor 加上债权头寸(creditor position) 国际货币基金组织的成员国可以无条件 (unconditionally)地提取其储备头寸用 (unconditionally)地提取其储备头寸用 于弥补国际收...
- 1
Subrogation right of subrogation exercising creditor subrogation, are the subject of creditors himself, and in its own name by the obligee and obligor position exercise. 债权人代位权的行使债权人代位权行使的主体是债权人本人,并且由债权人以自己的名义代债务人之位行使。 - 2
The position, qualification and right enjoyed belong to the guarantor shows that the guarantor is not only an initiative debtor but also a passive creditor. 其所在的地位、资格和享有的权利表明:保证人是主动的债务人被动的债权人。 - 3
This paper approaches the subjects about the legal basis of subrogation, the legal position and right and duties of creditor, debtor and subordinate debtor and the evidences in subrogation proceeding. 本文从代位权的法律基础,债权人、债务人、次债务人的法律地位及拥有的权利义务,代位权诉讼的证据等方面进行了探讨。