释义 |
confusion 英/ k?n?fju??n / 美/ k?n?fju??(?)n / - 1
法学 混淆 The third part mainly discourses the basic judging fundamental the concrete judging factors based on expounding the definition of likelihood of confusion. 第三部分在对混淆可能性的涵义进行阐述的基础上,主要论述混淆可能性的基本判定原则和具体判定要素。 困惑 II. The history of succession of law and confusion of succession about the concept of personality in our country. 第二部分:人格概念在我国的继受历史及继受困惑。
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经济学 误区 Mainly researched on condition, principle, pattern, confusion of implementing BPR, and put forward material strategy. 主要研究了我国企业实施BPR的条件,实施的原则、模式、误区,进而提出了实施的具体策略。
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文学 困惑 The passivity and futile rebellion of the self plunge people into inevitable confusion and alienation. 自我的消极被动和无效抗争难免使得个人落入困惑、分裂和异化中。 迷惘 His works express the feelings of the whole generation: hatred of war, fear of death, confusion and no choice of life. 海明威作为“迷惘一代”的代言人,他的主要作品展现了一代人的情绪:对战争的憎恶、对死亡的恐惧、对人生的迷惘、对生活的无奈。
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计算机科学技术 置乱 The encryption process consists of the confusion of the image pixels’ values and the permutation of the pixels’ positions, which enhances the ability of resisting a broken attack. 该方法通过图像像素值的扰乱和像素位置的置乱来实现加密过程,其中像素位置置乱增强了系统抗破损攻击的能力。 混惑 My work is practical application modeling, properties research and WF-net confusion detection based on basic Petri net. 本人的工作是基于一般Petri网的实际应用建模、性质以及工作流网的混惑检测。 混淆
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电子、通信与自动控制技术 混乱 The one-way property, diffusion and confusion capability as well as collision resistance of the algorithm are studied by simulation. 通过仿真对该算法的单向性、混乱与扩散、碰撞等性能进行分析。 混乱性
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When several dozen four-horse chariots fought for position at the sharp turns, the horse-scarer added to the bloody con fusion- and to the delight of the spectators. 当几十辆四匹马拉的战车在急转弯处挤撞抢行时,“惊马台”使血腥的混乱局面进一步加剧,而观众却因此更加兴高采烈。