释义 |
1 ?或卸船重量 合同中对运按装船重量(INTAKEN QUANTITY)或卸船重量(DELIVERED QUANTITY),运是预付或到付,均须订明。特别要注意的是应付运时间是指船东收到的日期,而不. 2 ?或卸船分量 合同中对运费按装船分量(INTAKEN QUANTITY)或卸船分量(DELIVERED QUANTITY)较量争论,运费是预付或到付,均须订明。分外要留意地是对付运费时间是指船东收到地日期,而不是租船人支出地日期。 3 ?卸船重量 ... 节约日:canceling date 卸船重量:delivered quantity 许可装载时间:lay time ... 4 ?货物重量 ...单元重量或单元体积的运费额,同时还要规定是按装船时的货物重量(in taken quantity)照旧按卸 船时的货物重量(delivered quantity)来计算运费的要领;另外一种是 整船包价(lump sum freight),即规定一笔整船运费,船东保证船 舶能提供的载货重量和容量,不管租方现...
- 1
In truly captive markets, quantity delivered might be more important than relevance or quality. 在真正的垄断市场中,交付的数量也许要比产品是否合适或质量更重要。 - 2
The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract, though the packing is all in good condition. 尽管包装完好,但检验表明,这批小麦的数量与质量都不符合合同规定。 - 3
The quantity to be delivered next month must not be less than 100M/T.