everybody in our class has a question to ask ? 我们班的每个人都有一个问题要问 delights ? 美食 Truth is a passless land-Krishnamurti ? 真理是 passless 的土地克里希那穆提 ..
Maybe my feeling is not really important ? 也许我的感觉不是很重要的 delights ? 快乐 Sub-line switch and bus-bar switch interlock eachother ? 朝服交换机和母线切换联锁分开 ..
Explanation will ensue ? 随后将解释 delights ? (动) 高兴; 取乐; 喜爱; 使高兴, 乐于 (名) 高兴, 愉快 This update not intended for use with your computer model ? 此更新不能用您的计算机...