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It proposes what it calls a Supergrid. This would link offshore wind farms in the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish, north and Baltic seas with customers throughout northern Europe. 该公司提出了一个所谓的超级电网的概念,该电网能够将大西洋、爱尔兰海、北海和波罗的海上的风能电厂与整个北欧的消费者们连接起来。 - 2
And increasingly they affect not only estuaries and inlets, but also continental seas such as the Baltic, the Kattegat, the Black and East China seas and the Gulf of Mexico. 而且它们不仅越来越多地影响河口和海湾,而且也影响内陆海,象波罗的海、卡特·加特海峡、黑海、中国东海和墨西哥湾。 - 3
And increasingly they affect not only estuaries and inlets, but also continental seas such as the Baltic, the Kattegat, the Black and East China seas and the Gulf of Mexico. 而且,他们影响到的不仅仅是河口和入海口——就连诸如卡特·加特海峡的波罗的海、中国的黑海与东海及墨西哥湾这类的内海也受到了侵害。