开篇的点睛之作,女声(Federica Pietro)穿透力极强的领唱马上就把人带入了Oliver的和平世界里,而在男声(Dahmani)领唱缓然地加入以后,两个声音的相互呼应,偶合偶分的穿插形成了此曲的主旋,加之背景里织体浑厚的各式配乐和交响乐团宽阔音色的...
He's not under arrest and has confirmed that he's known Redouane Dahmani for several years.
BBC: Lotfi Raissi transcript
The FBI connected Raissi with the terrorist suspect Doha through Dahmani's number in Doha's address book.
The name and number was that of one Redouane Dahmani, and as a result, Dahmani is in jail in the US, proclaiming his innocence.