释义 |
1 2 ?达戈达 ...邪术相传这些个小精灵曾带着四样邪术部件飞往爱尔兰--命运之石(Lia Fail)、战神(Lug)之矛,努阿杜(Nuadu)之剑和蔼神达戈达(Dagda)那口永不耗尽的大锅,它们驱除弗尔伯格(Firbolg,义为"池沼地里的人们",进进入国境内爱尔兰的人种之一,来自欧罗巴洲大陆),击败... 3 ?玩家 8 12月 玩家 (Dagda ) 建立 村庄 Tuatha dé Danann 4 ?表演者 ... 唱片名: Underworld 表演者: Dagda 出版者: Paras Recording ...
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And the Dagda took his harp and swept his hand across the strings in three great, solemn chords. 达格达拿起魔琴,在琴弦上用手重重地扫出三个庄严的弦音。 - 2
And while they were in the midst of their banqueting, the door was suddenly burst open, and the Dagda stood there, with his men. 当佛莫瑞人的宴会进行得正酣时,城堡的门突然被撞开了,达格达和他的战士们就站在那里。 - 3
Once more the Dagda touched his harp, but very, very softly. And now a music stole forth as soft as dreams, and as sweet as joy: it was the magic Music of Sleep. 当达格达再一次轻轻地触弄他的魔琴时,一种甜蜜、轻柔,如梦似幻的音乐悄悄地流淌出来:这就是美梦的乐音。