释义 |
1 ?岳父 ... somebody better be dying 有人要死了 (表示那么着急干吗!) dad-in-law 岳父 hither 来这边 ...
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In the evening of Thursday, Dad-in-law called me to ask whether I wanted to go to their place to stay several days and go to beach house with them. 星期四的晚上,公公打来电话,问我要不要去公婆家呆几天顺便和他们在复活节的时候去海边的房子,因为我没去过。 - 2
Our harvest crew includes my two brothers, my dad, mom, wife, sisters-in-law, son-in-law, daughter, and three nephews. 我们的收割队伍包括我的两个兄弟,我的父亲,母亲,妻子,弟媳,女婿,女儿和三个侄子。 - 3
We met our dad, and chatted with him for a while, my husband told him my scary lane change, and his talking with Bill that moment. Dad in law laughed. 我们见到了爸爸,和他聊了一会儿,老公讲了我那可怕的换道,和那时刻他在电话里和比尔的谈话,爸爸笑了。