释义 |
箱桶 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?克拉特巴雷尔 ...上老年人最多的国家,占全球老年人口总量的15 该负责人指出,2005年,中国机电产 像其它家居用品店一样,克拉特巴雷尔(Crate Barrel)
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The website taps into the inventory systems of more than 50,000 stores, including Best Buy , Crate & Barrel, and Home Depot, to let customers know where an item they're searching for is in stock. 网站利用从包括百思买(Best Buy)、Crate & Barrel和家得宝(Home Depot)等在内的5万多家商店库存系统的数据,通过该网站顾客可以知道他们正在查找的商品在哪里有存货。 - 2
Most of the products in the home are a mix of Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel and IKEA, blended with a few finds from local stores and their travels. 家中大部分产品在国内是一个混合成品加工商,Pottery Barn,Crate&Barrel和宜家,混合类东西是从当地商店和他们的旅行中找到的。