释义 |
crash landing 英/ ?kr?? ?l?nd?? / 美/ ?kr?? ?l?nd?? / - 紧急迫降:在紧急情况下着陆(通常是飞机或宇宙飞船),并且通常会对飞行器造成损坏。
- n.
1 an emergency landing under circumstances where a normal landing is impossible (usually damaging the aircraft)
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To back their claims, witnesses have presented snapshots of flying saucers and debris from crash landings. 为了支撑他们的观点一些目击者拿出了飞碟的快照和坠落物的碎片。 - 2
Most crash landings on other planets turn out to actually be crash landings on Earth, rendered unrecognizable by time travel, nuclear war, or a change in body size. 大多数本以为是外行星上的坠机事件,最后发现实际是坠毁在地球上。只不过幸存者因为穿越了时间、身体大小发生变化或者地球上发生了核战争,而认不出已面目全非的地球。 - 3
When the aeroplane does arrive, after a long delay, I quickly learn that the carrier is looking out for the safety of its passengers, at least as far as crash landings on water are concerned. 飞机左等右等也不来,最后总算是盼来了。一上飞机我就感到这家航空公司还是很关心乘客安全的,至少他们提前想到了在水面迫降的措施。