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糖果制造商 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?糖果点心制作师 ... jig and gauge maker 释义:夹具和样板工 confectionery maker 释义:糖果点心制作师 leather goods maker 释义:皮革制品工 ...
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In the case of takeovers by foreign companies, important functions can disappear, as happened when nestle of Switzerland acquired Rowntree, another UK confectionery maker, in 1988. 在被外国公司收购的案例中,重要职能有可能消失,1988年瑞士雀巢公司(nestle)收购另一家英国糖果制造商Rowntree时就出现了这种情况。 - 2
On July 4th nestle, the world's largest food maker, confirmed that it is in talks with Hsu Fu Chi, one of China's biggest makers of confectionery and baked goodies, with a view to buying the firm. 世界最大食品生产商雀巢在7月4日证实正在与中国最大糖果点心和烘焙糕点生厂商徐福记谈判,计划收购徐福记。 - 3
Kraft has its sights on the world's second-largest confectionery-maker to form a "global powerhouse in snacks, confectionery and quick meals" with combined revenues of some $50 billion. 卡夫看上世界第二大糖果制造商,是希望构建一个总收益达到500亿美元的“全球零食糖果和快餐的'发电站'”。