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1 ?滚珠花键 WON滚珠花键(ball spline),供应,五金、工具,传动件,其他传动件... 2 ?精密滚珠花键轴 ...备产业的进程,力骜太敬专注于为广大设备商引进来自日本、韩国等国家的优质配套零部件,主要产品有精密滚珠花键轴(ball spline),超级直线轴承、双轴心高速导轨,导轨压块-力平等机械行业的配件; 3 ?供应精密滚珠花键轴 Copyright ? 2001-2012 中华机械网 版权所有 建议与意见供应精密滚珠花键轴(ball spline),精密滚珠花键轴(ball spline)供应,精密滚珠花键轴(ball spline)商机,精密滚珠花键轴(ball spline)批发,精密滚珠花键轴... 4 ?花键轴 ...累了25年的技巧和技术能力为基础,实现了直线运动单位(LM Unit)、超级直线轴承(Super Ball Bushing)、花键轴(Ball Spline)、直线导轨(Linear Motion Guide)、交叉滚柱轴承(Crossed Roller Bearing)等的国产化,不仅取得替代进口品的效果,还为确保国...
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Ball spline pair is a new type of translation pair, used for large torque transfer with low resistance. 滚珠花键副是一种新型移动副,用于低阻力传递大扭矩。 - 2
Next, carries Hertzian contact resonance analyses to ball straight-rotary pair, ball spline pair and ball unload pair, calculates contact resonance frequencies. 其次,对作动器的滚珠直族副、滚珠花键副、滚珠卸荷副分别进行了赫兹接触共振分析,计算出接触共振频率; - 3
It can test the mechanical properties, such as spline tension, holding tension, tearing, CBR upend, ball upend, Pierce, thickness and so on. 该系统可测试条样拉伸、握持拉伸、撕裂、CBR顶破、圆球顶破、刺破等力学性能。