... 所属州: NC 名字: Dewald 姓: Andrew ...
介 城市中文名称: 城市英文名称:Dewald 州或国家代码:MN (US) 国家中文名:美国 国家英文名:United States 纬度:43°38'00.00"N 经度:95°45'00.00"W
比瓦尔德 ; 迪瓦尔德
Man-of-the-match Jean Deysel and skipper Dewald Potgieter were at the heart of an impressive display.
BBC: Emerging Springboks 13-13 Lions
Dewald Nel misses through injury and top bowler Gordon Goudie is struggling to recover from a hamstring strain.
BBC: Skipper Gavin Hamilton returns to face England
Uthappa stormed down the pitch to swat Dewald Nel high into the back row of the mid-wicket stand.
BBC: India overpower battling Scotland