... 所属州: TN 名字: Behrends 姓: A ...
... 阿伦兹 alenz; arends; steffen ahrends 贝伦兹 behrends 德伦兹 drenz ...
贝伦茨 ; 奥科·贝伦茨
"Duncan Phillips started off as a kind of timid collector, " Ms. Behrends Frank says.
WSJ: A Collaboration of Bees and Man: The Phillips Collection at the Laib Wax Room
But Constanze Behrends and Oliver Tautorat, PrimeTime's creators and co-stars, do not see that as their role.
ECONOMIST: The Federal Republic at 60
"It's really a new way of entering the artist's world, " says Susan Behrends Frank, associate curator of research for the museum.