释义 |
1 ?并行处理机 ... concurrent insurance 同时保险 concurrent processor 并行处理机,并行加工... concurrent forces 汇交力,共点力...
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As processor counts increase, there may not be enough concurrent requests to keep all the processors busy. 随着处理器数量增加,可能没有足够的并发请求保持所有处理器处于繁忙状态。 - 2
In a very simplistic situation where a user-base application is CPU bound, it would be ideal to create a matrix that compares processor allocation to a reasonable number of concurrent users. 在用户应用程序受限于CPU的情况下,建立一个基准比较处理器的分配和合理的并发用户数非常理想。 - 3
As shown in figure 4, beyond 500 concurrent users, the XPages discussion application shows a nonlinear increase in processor utilization and a higher response time. 如图4所示,超过500个并发用户时,XPages讨论应用程序在处理器利用率方面出现非线性增长,并且响应时间增加。