释义 |
1 ?混凝土夯实器 ... pneumatic rammer 气动锤,风动捣锤,风... concrete rammer 混凝土夯实器... hand rammer 手夯锤,手夯,手工捣...
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PRINCIPLE Concrete is placed into a mould and compacted by a rammer. The amount of consolidation is expressed as a compactibility index. 原则将混凝土装入模具中,并用夯实机夯实。固结量即称为“压塑性指数”。 - 2
The company's power trowel, tamping rammer, forward plate, floor saw, concrete vibrator and mortar pump already reach world-class standards. 其中抹平机,冲击夯,平板夯,切割机,震捣棒,灰浆泵等均已达到世界一流水平。 - 3
PRINCIPLE Concrete is placed into a mould and compacted by a rammer.