Security analysis results show that compared with L-L-C-Z threshold proxy signcryption protocol, the improved threshold proxy signcryption protocol can withstand the public key substitution attack.
安全分析结果表明,与L - L - C - Z门限代理签密协议相比,该改进门限代理签密协议能够承受接收方公钥替换攻击。
When yacc gets the "c" or "z," it knows enough to determine which rule to use.
The z/OS C compiler is actually both a C and C++ compiler in one, and can be called either from native z/OS or USS.
z/OS C 编译器实际上把 C 和 C++ 编译器融为一体,而且可以从原生 z/OS 或 USS 调用。