释义 |
牛肉的人 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?经营范围 ... 法人: chen qingsong 行业分类: Manufacturing and Processing 经营范围: Beef slice;Beef man;Dried meat floss;Dried pork ...
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Standing at around 30 centimeters in diameter, the burger king contains three kilos of beef and more than 13, 000 calories - almost the amount an average man should consume in a week. 该汉堡王直径足有30厘米,内有牛肉3千克,热量达13000卡,足够一个成年男性食用1个星期。 - 2
Zhao Fuqiao was a coarse man, but he was rich, because he made so much money selling beef. 赵阜乔是一个很粗鲁的人,但是他很有钱,因为他靠卖牛肉发了财。 - 3
For the man in your life, you should try to smell like lipstick, baby lotion, or a roast beef dinner. 对于你生命中的男人来说,你应当尽量让他闻到唇膏、婴儿沐浴液,或者烤牛肉的味道。