释义 |
1 ?起重机索 ... 起重机索钩 crane sling 起重机索, 吊索 crane cable 起重机负荷索 loadlineofcrane ... 2 ?吊索 ... crane cab ==> 起重机操纵室,起重机操纵室,起重机操作室 crane cable ==> 吊索,起重机索 crane car ==> 汽车起重机 ... 3 ?钢索吊车 土木工程编译词汇C-52-SCIdict学术词典-... ... 电池超重机 Crane,battery 钢索吊车 Crane,cable 履带式吊车 Crane,caterpillar ... 4 ?吊机电缆 ... 汽油吊机 petrol hoist 吊机电缆 RVVG ; Crane cable 甲板吊机 deck winch ...
- 1
Reasons for crane cable reel rebuilding are given with the new design, calculation of reel transmitting and the strength of output. The result of rebuilding is got. 电缆卷筒的改造原因,新卷筒的设计,卷筒传动及输出轴强度的计算,改造后的效果评价。 - 2
The cable crane was used for lifting bridges, gates, penstocks and concrete buckets etc, during the construction of the Lubuge, Gongjiaba and Manwan hydropower stations. 在鲁布革电站、曲靖恭家坝和漫湾电站都曾使用缆索起重机吊装桥梁、闸门、钢管、吊运混凝土罐等。 - 3
This paper presents a design example of using a cable crane for lifting and erecting an access bridge for the right bank spillway tunnel for the Lubuge Hydropower Station. 这里介绍了应用于鲁布革右岸泄洪洞交通桥吊装的缆索起重机的设计实例。