... 裂缝宽度容许值 allowable value of crack width 裂缝宽度扩展 frac width development 裂缝宽度验算crack width calculation ...
cover slab 井筒盖板 crack width calculation裂度宽度验算 cracking load under three edge bearing test 裂缝荷载 crown 顶点 culvert 涵洞 D D—load D荷载法 ..
Established the calculation model of waterproof layer tensile above bridge crack, compute a minimum extension and strength the waterproofing layer must have hi a certain width crack.
Based on the test results, the calculation formulas of the width in cistern structure are proposed, and the detailing requirements of short bars are advanced in order to control the crack width.
This paper discussed the calculation analysis of the secondary lining crackwidth and spacing by using simulating soil curved beam's stress.