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德宏傣族 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Kong Legan, deputy chief of Dehong Dai and Jingpo autonomous prefecture, which administers Yingjiang, said that all schools in the county will restart March 21. 主抓盈江县的德宏傣族和景颇族自治州副州长孔勒干说,全县所有的学校将3月21日复课。 - 2
The author opines that the ancestor of the Ahoms today living in Assam, northeastern India, was the Dai immigrants from Dehong, western Yunnan, China. 今天居住在印度东北部阿萨姆地区的阿洪姆人的祖先,是从中国云南德宏迁去的傣族。 - 3
Firstly, the paper introduced the location survey of the Dai villages in Dehong State, including the natural environment and cultural background. 论文首先介绍了德宏傣寨区位概况,包括自然环境和文化背景。