释义 |
bedspring 英/ ?bedspr?? / 美/ ?bed?spr?? / - 1
He stands at the door holding the greasy bag while I wonder if this is the night I'll finish off my spring roll, climb into bed, and have a heart attack in my sleep. 他手里拿着油腻的袋子站在门口,我不禁怀疑这次我吃完春卷爬到床上的之后,我会不会在睡梦中心脏病突发而死去。 - 2
In fact, every patient that is carried into A Doll Hospital in Old Town Spring, Texas, gets a hospital-bed number to help track its treatment. 到德克萨斯斯普林老城这家玩偶医院就医的每位“病人”都能拿到一个医院病床号,以便对“治疗”效果进行跟踪调查。 - 3
If you're the type of person who can spring out of bed at dawn, just because it's a beautiful day, gosh darn it, and you're out to change the world, etc., then congratulations. 如果你是那种能在黎明时就从床上蹦起来只因为这是美好的一天的人,那就厉害了,你是能改变世界之人…恭喜!