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1 ?混凝土贮仓 ... 混凝土风力压送机 concrete blower 混凝土贮仓 concrete bunker 钢筋混凝土井架 concrete headframe ...
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Wehrwolf, a 34-hour train ride from Berlin, boasted log cabins, each with its own concrete bunker. “狼人”,距离柏林34个小时的火车路程,是一群原木小屋,每个屋子地下都建有混凝土堡垒。 - 2
In the far west of Beijing, in a neighborhood called Apple Orchard, there is a small concrete bunker with a green sign at its mouth that says, "Air-Defense Basement." 在北京西部远郊,一个叫苹果园的地方,有一个小小的混凝土地堡。 在它的入口处,有一块绿色牌子,上面写道:“人防地下室”。 - 3
With a stronger steel casing and backup shock-resistant triggering mechanisms, the Perseus can smash through several metres of reinforced concrete and detonate only after it has gone into a bunker. 珀尔修斯拥有更坚固的钢铁外壳和备用的抗震性触发系统,能击穿数米厚的钢筋混凝土,并在进入掩体之后才引爆。