... Conclusion of the Topic 结束话题 conclusion of the business成交 conclusion of the inquiry 调查和结论 ...
“Once I had reached that conclusion, ” he continued, “I knew that I was faced with a duty that I owed to the public if I expected to stay in business for the rest of my life.”
That's theconclusionof a series of three new studies by professors at Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Indian School of Business.
这是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)、宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)、和印度商学院(Indian School of Business)的教授们进行的三项最新研究的结果。
The manufacturers seem to have come to the same conclusion Qian did: For top-of-the-line products, imitation isn't merely flattery—it's also good for business.