...数据(Metadata) 完成国际标准(或技术报告)草案(DIS)10个: ISO 19103地理信息概念模式语言(Conceptual schema language) ISO 19104地理信息术语(Terminology) ISO191 06地理信息专用标准(Profiles) ISO 19109地理信息应用模式规贝tJ(Rulesfora...
Once you have the conceptual base expressed in a semi-formal language such as SKOS, it's a matter of your own good XML design sense and creativity to incorporate it into a schema.
使用 SKOS 这类半正式语言表达了概念基础后,需要依靠自己的良好 XML 设计和创造性来将概念融入到模式中。
NET Entity Framework USES a DSL called conceptualschema definition language (CSDL) to define conceptual models.
Conceptualschema definition language (CSDL) is an example of such a domain-specific language.