

单词 Coxeter group
Coxeter group
  • 简明释义
  • 考克斯特群(考克斯特群是由空间中对超平面的镜射生成的群,广泛出现于数学的各分支中,如二面体群、正多胞体的对称群和根系对应到的外尔群等。该群以数学家考克斯特命名)
  • 英英释义
  • abstract:
    • 1

      In mathematics, a Coxeter group, named after H.S.M. Coxeter, is an abstract group that admits a formal description in terms of reflections. Indeed, the finite Coxeter groups are precisely the finite Euclidean reflection groups; the symmetry groups of regular polyhedra are an example. However, not all Coxeter groups are finite, and not all can be described in terms of symmetries and Euclidean reflections. Coxeter groups were introduced as abstractions of reflection groups, and finite Coxeter groups were classified in 1935 .





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