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后面的自己 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Our duty, our strength, with all one's heart, but puts behind oneself, painstakingly this sweet source, sweet this bitterroot . 尽我们的义务,尽我们的力,尽心,而忘却自己,苦本甜源,甜本苦根。 - 2
Screen up, bridegroom's bride apparently hasn't come behind, the bad interest of he Mu Bai of quest entertainment for oneself, know perfectly well past ask. 屏幕上,新郎新娘显然还没有回来,何慕白恶趣味的给自己找乐子,明知故问。 - 3
Though one ought not, as a general rule, to venerate any one... but in this case, if one didn't venerate him, one would find oneself quite behind The Times! 虽然,一般常规,一个人不应该尊敬任何人…但是在这个情况下,如果一个人不尊敬他,这个人就会发现自己相当过时啦!