释义 |
- 封面女郎:指一位女性模特,她的照片被用作杂志、报纸或其他出版物的封面。
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- 1
The models from the dance floor passed out in the corner, the lobby starlets found themselves vomiting in bathrooms, and the foyer cover girls meandered around in a drug-induced state. 之前在舞池里翩翩起舞的模特儿们,现在在角落里晕过去了;酒店大堂里的小明星们在洗手间里吐得稀里哗啦;舞厅休息室里的封面女孩因为嗑了药,正在东倒西歪地乱窜。 - 2
The models from the dance floor 24)passed out in the corner, the lobby starlets found themselves vomiting in bathrooms, and the foyer cover girls 25)meandered around in a drug-induced state. 之前在舞池里翩翩起舞的模特儿们,现在在角落里晕过去了;酒店大堂里的小明星们在洗手间里吐得稀里哗啦;舞厅休息室里的封面女孩因为嗑了药,正在东倒西歪地乱窜。 - 3
Two girls on Bridgeport's team were so embarrassed they wore football jerseys to cover up during their first game. Brigeport队的两个女孩子很尴尬,所以在第一场时穿着球衣遮羞。