释义 |
deviation of the vertical 1 ?铅垂线偏斜 deviation of the vertical 垂线偏差; 高低偏差; 铅垂线偏斜 drillingmachines,vertical 立式钻床 .. 2 ?高低偏差 deviation of the vertical 垂线偏差; 高低偏差; 铅垂线偏斜 drillingmachines,vertical 立式钻床 . 3 ?垂线偏差 ... 垂下式养殖 hanging culture 垂线偏差 deviation of the vertical 垂直/短跑道起飞与著陆 V/STOL ...
- 1
The tower is leaning. In the height of less than 60 meters the vertical deviation accounts for almost 2 meters. 这座高塔正在倾斜,在不到60米的高度内垂直偏差达到了2米。 - 2
The deviation from vertical, irrespective of compass direction, expressed in degrees. 偏离垂直方向的角度,与指南针方向无关,以度数来表示。 - 3
The reinforced concrete frame column of a high-rise building with frame-shear wall structure partially has a vertical deviation during construction, thus affecting its structural function. 某框架-剪力墙结构高层建筑的钢筋混凝土框架柱,在施工过程中局部出现了超出规范允许值的垂直度偏差,影响了结构性能。