释义 |
1 [经]?偏差系数 ... 偏差系数 误差 数学模型 [gap=1343]Keywords : High pressure, Gas reservoir, Physical property, Deviation factor, Error, Mathematical model ... 2 ?偏差因子 ...偏差因子 压缩系数 井喷原因 防喷措施 [gap=997]Keywords : supercritical fluid, carbon dioxide (CO2), phase state, deviation factor, compressibility, blowout cause, blowout prevention measures .. 3 ?歧离因数 歧离因数(deviation factor), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 4
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The deviation factor 1000 has been chosen as a sensible cut-off factor for our dataset. - 2
Gas deviation factor being a very important parameter in gas engineering calculation was calculated by use of empirical formulas in general. 天然气偏差因子是天然气工程计算中一项相当重要的参数,该参数普遍采用相关经验公式计算。 - 3
According to the characteristics of spatial data sets, this paper proposes an outlier detection algorithm based on the Space Local Deviation Factor (SLDF). 针对空间数据集的特性,提出一种基于空间局部偏离因子(SLDF)的离群点检测算法。