释义 |
1 ?计算机有效时间 ... 计算机停机时间 computer dead time ; computer dead time,computer dead time 计算机有效时间 computer useful time 计算机实验时间 Computer Lab Time ...
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You can sort the processes not only by name and process ID, but also by startup time, which can be very useful if you need to understand the sequence in which programs are started on your computer. 您不仅能够按名称进程ID排序,还能够按起动时间排序,如果需要了解计算机上程序的启动顺序这一点可能很有用。 - 2
Passive Income Examples: Useful books and guides, time saving computer applications, etc. 被动收入的例子:有用的书籍和导购、节省时间的电脑应用软件等。 - 3
Keyboard Guardian can also email log files with recorded data to the specified address every specified amount of time, which is useful to remotely monitor one's computer. 键盘监护人也可以寄电子邮件日志文件与记录的数据传送到指定的地址每一个特定数额的时间,这是有用的远程监控一的电脑上。