释义 |
1 ?花坛植物 又称 花坛植物 ( bedding plants ),是指那些一年或二年内完成生命周期的花卉植物.一年生的如凤仙花,鸡冠花,一串红,千日红,翠菊,万寿菊,花葵,蒲包花,半枝莲等;二年...
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Flowerbeds and tubs are banked with summer bedding plants. - 2
More than a ton of 25 bulbs and 125,000 bedding plants are used to create the gardens each year. 每年,酒店都会用超过一吨鳞茎植物和12.5万株花坛植物来妆点花园。 - 3
Plant products meet the factory: garment factories, garment factories, Towel, shoes and hats plants, bedding plants and so on. 本厂产品适应工厂:服装厂、制衣厂、毛巾厂、鞋帽厂、床上用品厂等。